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Compiled by John Smalley & Jeff Seaberg

Web Resources

This is Colossal: 
Art + Design Blog


Provides a diverse selection of high quality, user-submitted images as a means of sharing inspiration.


IB Examiner Andrew Vaughan’s main blog site for all IB subject areas (DP & MYP)

His DP Visual Arts site is

Andrew also runs DP visual arts online workshops available through


Brain Pickings:
A never ending stream "of pieces across art, design, science, technology, philosophy, history, politics, psychology, sociology, ecology, anthropology, you-name-itology."


Urban Sketchers:
This blog features sketches and often equally colorful stories behind the scenes by 100 invited artists correspondents in more than 30 countries around the world. Some are architects and illustrators, others are graphic designers, web developers, painters or educators, all sharing the same passion for drawing on location.


The Teaching Collection of John Ruskin:
A searchable/browsable online version of the teaching collections and catalogues assembled by John Ruskin for his Oxford Drawing Schools.

The Drawing Research Network:
The Drawing Research Network is a loose affiliation of individuals and institutions who are involved in some way with drawing research, for example via professional practice, education or the promotion of drawing. Some participants are based in universities and colleges of art and design with established teaching and/or research profiles in drawing. Other participants have an interest in, for example, drawing therapy, the cross-curricular role of drawing in schools or digital drawing. Some participants simply have an interest in drawings and the drawing process which might include in making, thinking about and communicating on drawing. Individuals and institutions use the Network to communicate news, to explore possibilities for cooperation in drawing research, to formulate collaborative projects and to share outputs. Membership of the Network is free.The Network's web site provides information for those interested in drawing research such as information on people who have become associated with the Network; recent drawing projects; pointers to institutions engaged in drawing research; links to organisations involved in the promotion of drawing and information on publications, exhibitions etc. The website aims to raise the profile of drawing research internationally. The Network holds occasional meetings and news of these and other events is circulated via the drawing research JISCmail email discussion list (see website for details).

Edge: Edge : Conversations on the edge of human knowledge

Founded by “cultural Enzyme” John Brockman, this site promotes inquiry into and discussion of intellectual, philosophical, artistic, and literary issues, and works for the intellectual and social achievement of society.


Aperture Photography Foundation: 


Masters of Photography:


Foundation for Self-Taught Artists: 


History of Photography:


Digital Nation:
PBS Documentary exploring digital technologies and their roles in contemporary society. Many pertinent questions raised!


Art:  21    


The Photographers:
Biography, Images, Books, Videos on many masters of photography.


Vivian Maier:
Blog devoted to the phenomenal photographic work of the (until recently) unknown Chicago nanny/photographer Vivian Maier. Uncanny resemblances to Walker Evans, Diane Arbus, and others!


Arts & Letters Daily: 
Arts & Letters Daily Always extraordinary in depth and range.


Powers of Observation: 
Perceptual painters’ Blog with essays, galleries, and interviews.


New American Paintings:
Great periodical showcasing the work of new and emerging artists.


Wooster Collective:

Street Art!

Google Art Project:
Take virtual tours of the world's most famous art museums using Google's street view technology.

From their website: "Radiolab believes your ears are a portal to another world. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience. Big questions are investigated, tinkered with, and encouraged to grow. Bring your curiosity, and we'll feed it with possibility."


Useful Web 2.0 Resources + Links

This wiki grew out of a presentation Jeff Seaberg gave back in 2009 at RISD on implementing web 2.0 resources in teaching.

Google Apps:
Why should schools be using Google Apps for Education? Check it out.
If you haven't tried google docs ( I would take a look. It features pretty much the same functionality as MS Word / Excel / Etc. but without the clunky software. As an added benefit, everything's automatically saved online, which means it's immediately accessible from any device as long as you're connected to the internet. Another game-breaking feature is the ability to collaborate. Multiple people can share / view / edit the same documents and a chat window opens when you're all logged in at the same time. Look for even more functionality with docs to be integrated to google+ (google's new social networking platform).

Social Networking:
Here are some very active art education ning communities to check out: NAEA elementary art teacher network NAEA secondary art teacher network Art Ed. 2.0

In addition, you've got all the other social networking sites, which you should already know about. Among them, just a note about twitter (and now google+) - These can be great professional development tools. You can easily find and follow any number of teachers, administrators, advocates, etc. On twitter, look for hashtags related to education, technology, edreform, etc. Specifically, #edchat is a weekly education twitter chat on Tuesdays at noon and 7pm EST.

Podcast Directories

iTunes U is a great place to find some amazing educational content from some of the world's leading schools, museums, etc. Just log into the iTunes store and you'll see it listed up top next to podcasts.

Legal Music to use for Videos / Podcasts ( from: creative commons)
Free Music Archive
CASH Music
Podsafe Audio
Internet Archive’s Netlabels Collection

Blogging Software

Education Related Blog Links

Some educational tech people to follow:
Will Richardson -
David Warlick -

RSS Feeds:  
RSS is used to publish frequently updated works – such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video – in a standardized format. Web feeds benefit publishers by letting them syndicate content quickly and automatically. They benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favored websites or to organize feeds from many sites into one place using an aggregator.


A service that gathers published information from a variety of online sources and organizes it in a common location.

Content Publishing:

Social Bookmarking:
A Web-based service where shared lists of user-created Internet bookmarks are displayed. Social bookmarking sites are a popular way to locate, classify, rank, and share online resources through the practice of tagging.

Social Bookmarking Services:

A type of Web site that allows visitors to easily add, remove, edit and change available content, allowing for collaborative authoring of online content.



A short list of titles for the studio library -
compiled by participants in the Les Tapies Art Teacher Workshop

(Titles in Red are highly recommended)


On drawing  & painting:

Chaet, Bernard, The Art of Drawing
Copyright CBS College Publishing, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, NY ISBN 0-03-062028-7


Winter, Roger, On Drawing 
Copyright 1991 Collegiate Press, San Diego, California. Paperback: ISBN 0-939693-16-X


Berger, John, Berger on Drawing
Copyright 2005. Occasional Press, Co. Cork, Ireland. Paperback: ISBN 0-9548976-0-9


Darwent, Charles, The Drawing Book: A Survey of Drawing - The Primary Means of Expression 
Copyright 2007Black Dog Publishing ISBN 978-1904772811

Dexter, Emma, Vitamin D (Themes)
Copyright 2005. Phaidon Press, London. ISBN 07148-4545-0


Cartier Bresson, Henri, Line by Line: The Drawings of Henri Cartier Bresson

Copyright 1989. Thames & Hudson


Louver, L.A., Weschler, Lawrence, Hockney, David, Hand, Eye, Heart 
Copyright 2005. L.A. Louver. ISBN 0-9765585-0-5


Lampert, Catherine, Euan Uglow The Complete Paintings
Copyright 2007. Yale University Press, New Haven & London. Hardback: ISBN978-0-300-12349-4


Lyons, Deborah, Edward Hopper: A Journal of His Work
Copyright 1997. Whitney Museum of American Art. ISBN 0-393-31330-1


Turner, J. M. W., The ‘Wilson Sketchbook’
Copyright 1988. Tate Gallery Publications. ISBN 1-85437-002-2


Gottsegen, Mark David, The Painter’s Handbook: A Complete Reference to…
Copyright 1993. Watson-Guptill Publications. ISBN 0-8230-3003-2



On colour:


Ball, Philip, Bright Earth: The Invention of Colour 
Copyright 2001. Penguin Books.


Finlay, Victoria, Colour: Travels Through the Paintbox 
Copyright 2002. Hodder and Stoughton. ISBN 0-340-733-292


Kueppers, Harald, The Basic Law of Colour Theory

Copyright 1982. Barrons Educational Series, Inc. ISBN 0-8120-2173-8


Sidaway, Ian, Colour Mixing Bible 

Copyright 2006. A David and Charles Book. Paperback: ISBN 978 0 7153 1823 3




On Art & Historical Themes:


Clark, T.J., The Painting of Modern Life: Paris in the Art of Manet and His Followers 
Copyright 1984. Thames & Hudson. Paperback. ISBN 0-500-28179-3


Kemp, Martin, The Science of Art: Optical Themes in Western Art from Brunelleschi to Seurat

Copyright 1990. Yale University Press.  Paperback. ISBN 0-300-04337-6


Scharf, Aaron, Art and Photography
Copyright 1974. Penguin. Paperback ISBN 0-14-006773-6


Thompson, Jon, How to Read a Modern Painting: Understanding & Enjoying the Modern Masters

Copyright 2006. Thames & Hudson. ISBN 978-0-500-28663-2


Katz,Vincent, Black Mountain College: Experiment in Art

Copyright 2003. MIT Press. Hardback ISBN 978-0262112796


Perrot, Michelle, A History of Private Life, Vol. IV, From the Fires of Revolution to the Great War

Copyright 1990. Belknap Harvard. ISBN 0-674-39978-1


Barnet, Sylvan, A Short Guide to Writing About Art, Eighth Edition

Copyright 2005. Pearson Longman. ISBN 0-321-29248-0


Tusa, John, On Creativity: Interviews Exploring the Process

Copyright 2003. Methuen. ISBN 0-413-77299-3



Other titles of interest:


Mr. Wilson’s Cabinet of Wonders by Lawrence Weschler


The Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald


On Beauty by Zadie Smith


Ellsworth Kelly: Drawings & Fragments The Drawing Center, NYC


The Body Artist by Don Delillo


Drawing with Children by Mona Brooks


Six Memos for The Next Millennium by Italo Calvino

© 2021 by John Smalley

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